Audits & Method Witnessing

LABhelp Ltd’s established Internal Audit program continues to support many microbiology and chemistry laboratories across the UK and Ireland; however, there have been more requests recently for Method Witness audits. Laboratories often have their own internal audit program covered by site or group personnel as this helps with knowledge transfer and personal development.

However, a pair of fresh experienced eyes upon well-established bench practices can prove extremely beneficial in identifying weaknesses and more importantly potential improvements in methodology and technique.

LABhelp’s method witness audits provide evidence of annual method document review as well as complete observation of all stages of methods including calibration and servicing of any relevant equipment. Audit notes include our unique photographic evidence verifying techniques observed.

Of course, this is no substitute for those who benefit from our full in-depth audit program; however, there is considerable overlap of supporting procedures which can include equipment operation, media and reagent preparation, results and confirmation records, even facility related issues.

Cost for a 1 day method witness audit covering upto 5 methods is £750+ expenses. This includes a summary visit report and a list of any recommendations and improvements if identified. Should you wish us to also review corrective actions and close out the audit the total cost is £895 + expenses. Discounts are available for consecutive days and additional visits should you wish to spread these through the year.

For more information on how LABhelp can manage your internal audit program contact LABhelp via our direct email


Audits are only ever a sampling exercise. LABhelp auditors are qualified and highly experienced; however, no audit should ever be expected to identify any and every non-conformance. As such, future audits may highlight issues not previously raised. An effective internal audit program will demonstrate to an external body the laboratory is committed to ensuring best practice. This is provided as evidence through the information contained in the records.


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