
“All the benefits, without the extortionate cost”

With LABhelp Membership companies can rest assured they have access to experienced analysts whenever they need them.

Benefits of Membership


‘Virtual’ Lab Manager’

We know a Lab Manager cannot be replaced, but we all need a little help from time to time…


  • Help with Non-conforming work
  • External proficiency investigations
  • Advice on new methods and equipment – fit for purpose?
  • Rapid response to technical queries

‘FREE’ One day site visit

Regardless of location one of our LABhelp advisors will spend a full day at your site to cover any topics of your choosing. All you pay for are travel and subsistence costs as incurred.
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  • Bench level training of lab staff
  • Method witness audits to enhance your own internal audit programme
  • Facility review for suggestions and improvements in current operations
  • Review documentation and Quality Manual procedures

Standard updates

Collated from a variety of sources to save you time, LABhelp will keep you informed when new Standard methods & publications are issued. This will enable labs to review these publications and implement any changes as necessary. LABhelp can provide advice on how to implement any changes or conduct validation if necessary as an additional service.

10% Discount on all other LABhelp services

As a member you will benefit from a 10% discount on any other services offered by LABhelp.

Annual cost for an individual laboratory only £850.00 (+ travel expenses) per year.

If membership is of interest please contact us at:

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